In the social context, IQ tests find their applications in many different cases. On the one hand, at the school level, they make it possible to define the academic orientation of each of the students in a given class according to the results obtained. On the other hand, in the professional world, they also find their application in the orientation of a young person during his or her apprenticeship towards a specific career. They are also used to measure the learning ability of candidates for a post to be filled in an entrance examination or recruitment competition at a vocational training centre.
IQ: definition and purpose
For example, administering an IQ test to a group of people in community life helps to give meaning to the events or difficulties experienced by each of the individuals in the population. However, in order to better understand the essence of the current analysis, it is important to clarify what is meant by Intellectual Quotient or IQ. In reality, IQ refers to the result of a psychometric test conducted by a clinical psychologist. Overall, it aims to provide a quantitative indication that allows the evaluation of an individual's intelligence. However, the IQ has been measured with the aim of establishing an inventory of the intellectual potentialities of all the students in an educational centre. Of course, in doing so, the psychologist does not in any way make a diagnosis, contrary to popular belief. He tends to make an assessment of a person's intellectual capacity in relation to a standardized model.
IQ Test: Conditions for Determining IQ
Of course, it is only after passing an IQ test that a student's mental retardation can be detected. The same is true for the identification of a child with high intellectual potentiality at an early age through the warning signs already mentioned in this sense. The average standard IQ has been calibrated to an arbitrary value corresponding to 100 and half of the population is between 90 and 110. It must be measured by a legally qualified psychologist. Its determination must be made in the context of a psychological examination involving several observation sessions. It follows that during the course of his analysis, the psychologist undertakes one or more psychological interviews. By proceeding in this way, it is up to the expert to conduct the test in compliance with all the conditions required for such observation. Following the instructions in the scale manual remains an essential requirement for the validation of the results of the psychological examination in question. A value above 130 indicates intellectual precocity and a value below 70 indicates a sign of mental retardation.
Correlation between IQ and brain volume
Many studies have tried to show moderate correlations between brain morphology and IQ. In this case, some researchers have claimed that related studies in several European and American countries have found a positive correlation between cranial potentiality and IQ. In any case, the interdependence of these two different concepts is still not understood by some experts and has been the subject of controversy among specialists in this type of scientific observation. So far, some of them argue that the explanations provided in the explanatory memoranda as a whole, in the majority of cases, are still missing. In the end, it turns out that the reciprocal links between IQ and brain volume remain in their entirety a rather complex whole. For this reason, the result of an IQ test should not be taken as a sanction for the individual who has taken it, as the value assigned to the IQ can be changed over time to achieve significant improvements after a wide range of support.
The scope of theoretical knowledge is still very limited.
Currently, the mental age of an individual is determined by means of an IQ test. It only does assessments for educational or psychiatric reasons, as the case may be. Indeed, since its inception, IQ has been used to screen students with academic difficulties so that they can be given appropriate support to help them get through their difficulties. However, the complexity of the enigma is still beyond the scope of the theoretical knowledge of many renowned scientists today. Moreover, advances in related research results will continue to be closely linked to the impact of new technological innovations in the contemporary world in the field of science. Thankfully, medical imaging has been steadily improving in recent times to serve the cause of researchers in this regard. To this end, a better future perspective is emerging on the horizon for scientists in the discovery of new hypotheses inherent in such topical subjects.
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